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Brain damage and social media

Recently I deactivated my Facebook account. I needed a time out to consider my options. There are so much vitriol in the political world and often it is spread by Donald Trump, MAGA, and Fox News.

I understand that everybody has a different opinion. Even though I have been a Republican for decades, I cannot support nor understand Trump and his policies. 

The reason I paused Facebook was for two instances where relatives of mine dismissed my concerns.

I was disgusted when Trump pardoned all of the January 6th rioters. It was unconscionable for him to pardon people who assaulted and beat police officers. It’s ironic that the law and order party had no problems allowing police officers to be assaulted and beaten.

Yet one of my relatives said that it was a peaceful protest and they should never have gone to jail. Another relative said that January 6 was staged like a Hollywood production.

I was absolutely flabbergasted. Disgusting perspective. 

In the midst of the confirmation battle for Robert Kennedy Jr, another relative asked if I am supporting his confirmation. I said, “ I think he’s a dangerous person and the health of the country is to important.”

Her response? “Good luck with your cancer.”

I was absolutely shocked and offended. This person supposedly loved my mother yet discounted the fact that she died of ovarian cancer.

Therefore I needed to take a break so I would not say or post something idiotic like them.

I reviewed every Meta privacy policies. I discussed my concerns with close friends who also have been Republican supporters for decades. By the way, these public policy professional also the distain Trump and MAGA. He is an adjudicated rapist, a felon, and tried to stage a coup on January 6th.

I had another consideration as well. I set up a separate Facebook group for stroke survivors more than 10 years ago. When I paused Facebook it also deactivated that account. I have hundreds of followers all over the world who have come to rely on me for advice about strokes and Aphasia.

I don’t think it’s fair that survivors would miss out on information to help their recovery.

Instead, I deleted hundreds and hundreds of so-called Facebook friends. Same as Instagram.

In many instances, I changed my privacy settings.

Candidly, there are Republicans and Democrats who have limited access to my social media now.

If people want access to my social media they have to get another permission.

So I am back on social media though I deleted Twitter/X a year ago when it became a platform for hate and lies. 

It is helping me with peace of mind.


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