I am a very private person. However, a blog is very public especially when you write things about yourself that might uncomfortable. Talking about depression should not be uncomfortable but it usually is. In my mind, "Depression" is a dirty secret that people do not talk about. Especially, me. However, I have been trying to use my blog to educate people about stroke. Warts and all. "Stroke" is not pretty. Depression is not pretty. I try to do my blog every week; however, I have not done it for many weeks because I have been very depressed. " Depression" is common when you have strokes. About 6 weeks ago, I was startled when I realized “this is basically it for my life.” Sure, I get better every day, but I will NEVER be back to what I was before. That is a shattering realization for me. Despite brain scans and doctors, I just assumed I would “back.” There is no going back for me. This is it. Even though I have never really liked ...
I am a stroke survivor. My blog is about my recovery, family, and possibilities.