Recently, I read a short article about people in Great Britain returning to work after a stroke. The statistics I read said that about 65% of stroke survivors to return to work after their strokes. When I was a kid, I listened to Paul Harvey. He would often say “ Now you know the rest of the story!” When I think of that statistic and my strokes, I am amused. "Reading" that article was a massive chore for me. After my strokes in January of 2012, the concept of work was terrifying. I was dealing with unspeakable emotions. I did not know my name though I did know my job. However, I could not speak about my job because I could not speak! In the hospital, one of my therapists said, “Maybe, you will go back to work in November (2012) in a limited basis.” Throughout those next few months, that was my goal. I assumed I would go back to work. Nevertheless, as the months dragged on and the fog in my brain started to lift slowly, I realized ther...
I am a stroke survivor. My blog is about my recovery, family, and possibilities.