Yesterday, I was deleting a whole bunch of old computer files because I am donating an old laptop. This laptop was the state of the art when I bought it in 06. I bought it when I cofounded a real estate school and I used it until my stroke in 12. I couldn't use the laptop after my stroke simply because it was confusing to me. Therefore, opening old files was like opening a ghost life. I had thousands of emails from Envision Real Estate School, Boise State University, Idaho Commerce and Industry, and the Idaho Associated General-Contractors. For many years, long before Hillary Clinton had a private email server, I used two laptops: Company ones and my HP laptop. I have a habit of copying important emails from my work laptop and my HP private laptop. "Just in case." Opening old emails trying to clear sensitive information was like opening a window to a forgotten world. Real estate matters, strategic confidential emails plotting legislat...
I am a stroke survivor. My blog is about my recovery, family, and possibilities.