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Showing posts from August, 2017

Withered Dreams and a Pinky

After my strokes, my right arm was very weak. I regained the strength and what tests have shown that both arms have the same strength.  Nevertheless, I have noticed recently that my right arm and especially my right pinky seem a little "off." I've also noticed that when I have seen pictures of me, my right arm is not straight and my right hand is almost clenched. It is not really noticeable until I think about it. However, it seems more apparent recently. Routinely I get acupuncture. Acupuncture has always helped me especially right after the strokes. My right arm was essentially just connected to my brain. I could move it but it did not seem like it was my arm. My acupuncturist helped reconnect my brain to my arm. This month I've had several appointments with my acupuncturist. He also has noticed that my muscles especially on my right shoulder are incredibly tense. He is focused on my right side and my pinky has gotten better. I wonder if this is "just in

Paranoia plus a new Blogger app

I have not written a blog post for several months. I just wanted to take a break and rethink my focus. When you have a stroke, it is very common that your emotions change. Some people get angry, too emotional, or paranoid. I think that paranoid is an interesting reaction. Recently, I've had to deal with some political backlash dealing with the College of Western Idaho which I chair. In addition, regarding my strokes, a few people have basically said "get over it." In a way, I lost my incentive to write because of there instances. On the other hand, perhaps I am paranoid and have a very thin skin. Another aspect is technology. My blog is a Google+ program. Google is not a user-friendly application. It took me months to delete an out dated blog. There's not a technical help support line. In addition, "Blogger" in the App Store not work for a while. I tried different versions to replace "Blogger," yet they never work out satisfactorily. T