When you have a stroke, you need to rely on others for many things. Simple tasks are sometimes in insurmountable like tying a shoe, making dinner, personal hygiene, etc. When you have a stroke, people want to help you which is great though sometimes a stroke survivor needs to do things for themselves. But sometimes, “people” who are most often the most close to you, seem to take for granted that survivors do recover and they have opinions which are real, well founded, rational, intelligent, and have value. It is often the case that a survivor has to deal with well-meaning people – friends and family – who seem to believe that because an individual who had a stroke is less intelligent. When a survivor has a different opinion, it is easy for these people to say something like “well, he had a stroke you know, just humor him.” In the eyes of others, you are less than a real person….you have diminished capacity on all fronts. It a surviv...
I am a stroke survivor. My blog is about my recovery, family, and possibilities.