Four years ago today, I suffered an ischemic stroke. In the hospital, three days later, I had a massive stroke. I lost a lot. As I have said many times, “I miss ME.” Nevertheless, I count my blessings every single day. I could have died. So, what I have learned during the four years of loss and recovery? I am incredibly happy and blessed! Other things: “COMMUNICATION:” It was just a word before. But, when your degree is Communication and you make your living communicating, it is doubly devastating when you cannot talk, read, write, and understand even your own name. I just wanted to say my son’s name back to him. Today, though speaking is difficult, I am blessed to share my story making speeches about stroke and possibilities. “PATIENCE:” I was never patient. However, my body and my brain are recovering slowly. Hurry up already! “MATH:” I cannot “do” math at all. I can read financials but I cannot “calculate.” One of my therapists said, “Math is...
I am a stroke survivor. My blog is about my recovery, family, and possibilities.