So, what I have learned during the four years of loss and
I am incredibly happy and blessed!
Other things:
“COMMUNICATION:” It was just a word before. But, when your
degree is Communication and you make your living communicating, it is doubly
devastating when you cannot talk, read, write, and understand even your own
name. I just wanted to say my son’s name back to him. Today, though speaking is
difficult, I am blessed to share my story making speeches about stroke and
“PATIENCE:” I was never patient. However, my body and my
brain are recovering slowly. Hurry up already!
“MATH:” I cannot “do” math at all. I can read financials but I cannot
“calculate.” One of my therapists said, “Math is overrated.” And so it is.

“PODCASTS:” have been a salvation for me. I listen to
everything imaginable.
“THERAPY:” I have “done” physical, occupational, speech,
vision, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and more. Years of therapy. Hundreds of
hours! Thousands of hours on my own trying to be “back to normal.” Nonetheless,
I have brain damage. But the brain is fascinating. The 80% of my brain that was
not damaged is slowly developing neuro-pathways to accommodate my new brain possibilities.
“MIASMA!” The term I use when I think about insurance,
disability, social security, income, and the rest. Do you know that the average
insurance policy covers 20 hours of rehabilitation? It does not matter what
part of your body that is injured: 20 deplorable hours. “Injured knee? 20 hours
of physical therapy. Here’s your bill!” A massive stroke where 20% of your brain is dead
and you need years of therapy? “20 hours! And, do not let the hospital door
hits you in your disabled ass when you leave because the insurance company wants you
“FRIENDS!” I have the greatest friends! I knew that before
my strokes. However, people throughout the nation helped my family during those
dark hours when I wept about everything including how to pay for therapy. My
friends did everything. Grateful beyond words. Thank you all.
“FAMILY!” In one instant, my wife took care of everything.
And she still does. She never let me give up hope. My brothers have been my
rock throughout this unexpected journey. My extended family has supported me in
so many ways including not overprotecting me. And our son. What can I say about
Ethan, the little boy who on his 7th birthday helped me to the
restroom when I was scared go alone the first night when I came home from the
hospital? He had to grow up too soon, but he is such a great young man. Almost
11, he inspires me every day. I love you

“PRAYER!” When the second stroke happened, I could not reach
the call button to cry out for the nurse. For two reasons: I was paralyzed so
physically, I could not reach the button! Second, I lost my ability to speak in
one instant. I could not yell! During that hour before the discovered me, I
prayed for me. I prayed for my son. I prayed my wife. I prayed for my brothers.
I prayed for Mom and my stepdad Karl. I actually prayed for death if I could
not recover. But, my Dad, who had been dead almost 20 years, kept telling me
“You will be fine. You cannot give up.” Since my strokes, so many people have told
me that they prayed for me. I am eternally grateful for their prayers.
“LOSS!” 2012 was the worst year. Ever. My two strokes in
January. My stepdad’s failing health. My Mom, my rock, succumbing to ovarian
cancer. And then, my beloved parents
dying 13 days apart in September. My wonderful Uncle Roy dying of a heart
attack. I lost my career. I lost my identity. “Please! Just get the year over
“HOPE!” Despite it all, I think my strokes were a blessing.
I was so obsessed and driven to “succeed” I lost track of what “success” really
“Family. Friends. Helping others. Having meaning in your life.”
That is it.
And I do.