The old "Far Side" cartoon was a favorite of mine, and the "Bummer of a Birthmark, Hal" one is particularly apt in our family at the moment because Ethan has been diagnosed with various allergies. We live in the high desert of Idaho surrounded by sagebrush. Allergic to sagebrush? Check. The Boise River flows through our city along with canals all of which are bordered by lush Cottonwood trees. Allergic to Cottonwood Trees? Check. Every visit to Grandpa and Grandma's house in Twin Falls includes the obligatory photo op in the Birch tree in the front yard. Allergic to Birch trees? Check. Russian Thistle is a common weed in our area. Allergic to Russian Thistle? Check. Our buddy Tom recently got two kittens. Allergic to cats? Check. After our upcoming trip to Disney World, we intended to get a Dachshund for Ethan. Allergic to dogs? Check. Today, Ethan endured allergy tests illustrated by the photo of him during the test in this blog. It appears we are ...
I am a stroke survivor. My blog is about my recovery, family, and possibilities.