When I started my blog, it was to be somewhat like a journal about my son. For several years, the focus of my blog was my family. 20 months ago, the focus changed because of my strokes. Nevertheless sometimes I go back to my original idea and I post "stuff" about my son. One evening when we were getting ready for bed, I asked him what he would want for breakfast the next day. He said, "Corn puffs." I said that is not a good breakfast. He said, "Dad! This is a complete, wonderful breakfast." I reminded him that when I was a kid it was called "Sugar Smacks" and the new name is a marketing ploy. Ethan responded saying, "Well, Daddy, your are old and they are very new nutritious." I was watching a PBS show called "Rick Steve's Europe." Ethan said, "What is that show? Torture?" I never told him about "Lawrence Welk" which was torture when I was a kid! Heather commented that she pulled ...
I am a stroke survivor. My blog is about my recovery, family, and possibilities.