There is an old saying resonates with me now: "Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully."
I’ve been focusing a lot on flooding after brain injury. Here’s a concise definition:
There is the issue of mental flooding after brain injury flooding occurs after brain injury because the brains filters. Often the brain no longer work properly. These filters normally allow us to sort through everything that comes into the brain sounds. sights touch smells movement questions problems demands etc.
I sense the flooding is more frequent now. But perhaps I’m more aware of it because I’ve researched a lot because of my aphasia class that I chair. I’ve tried to research to see if the flooding gets worse over time.
However I have not found anything definitive about flooding over time.
Nevertheless, it certainly seems that it has gotten worse for me.
I often lay in a dark room surrounded in silence after any activity that stresses my brain.
Of course, doing this blog post stress is my brain as well! Conundrum...